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Skin Chemists Pro-5 Collagen Gold and Hydro Gel Eye Pads - Pack of 10

ID: 206953484
Альбом: Hautelook
2 341,56 руб.
- Pack of 10 - For directions and ingredients, see "Additional Info" - Imported Includes: Pro-5 Collagen Hydro Gel Eye Pads: The skinChemists Anti-Ageing Retinol Serum is formulated with the best encapsulated retinol, along with a boost of hydrating and nourishing actives to leave the skin firmer, brighter and rejuvenated. Although originally Retinol was mostly used to fight acne, blackheads and dead cells, it is now also known for its anti-ageing virtues. It aims to visibly reduce wrinkles, improve skin texture, and reduce inflammation. The British brand skinChemists is synonymous with intelligent skincare design born with tradition. Working with leading pharmacists, chemists, scientists and beauticians worldwide, skinChemists develops revolutionary and effective skincare treatments. The main active ingredients in the formulation are: 1) Our Retinol is encapsulated, to ensure a controlled release into the skin. It works to firm and plump the skin, whilst encouraging rejuvenated, brighter skin. 2) Hyaluronic Acid works to provide deep hydration for the skin, which helps to encourage firmer skin, reducing visible signs of ageing. 3) Gransil works as a mattifying agent and facial oil absorber to leave a smooth, silky complexion. - Pack of 5 - 2 per pack Pro-5 Collagen Gold Gel Eye Pads: The skinChemists Anti-Ageing Retinol Moisturizer is formulated to ecnourage a glowing and youthful appearance by rejuvenating and revitalising the skin. Although originally Retinol was mostly used to fight acne, blackheads and dead cells, it is now also known for its anti ageing virtues. It aims to visibly reduce wrinkles, improve skin texture, and reduce inflammation. The British brand skinChemists is synonymous with intelligent skincare design born with tradition. Working with leading pharmacists, chemists, scientists and beauticians worldwide, skinChemists develops revolutionary and effective skincare treatments. The main active ingredients in the formulation are: 1) Retinol, which is encapsulated, ensures a controlled release into the skin. It works to firm and plump the skin, whilst encouraging rejuvenation an brightness. 2) Hyaluronic Acid works to provide deep hydration for the skin, which helps to encourage firmer skin, reducing visible signs of ageing. 3) Aquaxyl aims to boost the circulation of water through all layers of the skin. - Pack of 5 - 2 per pack
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Собрано 578%
Выкуп № 538
Мин. сумма выкупа: 64 617,72 руб.
Орг. сбор: 17,00 %
Участников закупки: 72
Каталог обновлен: 29.05.2022
 Рейтинг закупки: 4,9

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Орг сбор 17% (Цена в каталоге отображается с орг сбором)

Доставка ~20-21$/кг

Срок доставки 5-7 недель*

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